He's Still the
same yesterday, today, and forever!
Only God has
God is still in
Time will end
when He says so!
God is watching! God
is not dead as many will have you believe. God is
watching to see if the world will repent. If not, then
His wrath will be poured out on billions. In the day before
Jesus Christ returns from heaven with great power and
glory, the earth will be as in the days of Noah and Lot
(Luke 17:26-30). That day is here and His coming is
near. Revelations 22:20.
The whole world stands GUILTY
before God because of theirungodlinessand unrighteousness
in the earth. God has
already made Himself known to all humankind by the things
that are made. These
things that we see did not come from a cosmic soup, or a happy
accident, billions and billions of years ago, but they came
from a wise and intelligent Maker, and that Maker
is GOD! All living
creatures: plants, birds, animals, fishes, insects, and people
work together for the good of this entire planet. This could
not have been an accident! The world did not just stumble upon
itself! God left Himself a witness in the earth for ALL people
to see and to benefit from. Therefore, all of humankind are
without excuse!
Instead of thanking and glorifying
God, people have become wise unto themselves. They think they
have it all figured out! They think they can live any way they
like! They think their actions will have no repercussion!
People have failed to keep God's HOLY STANDARDS! They have
forsaken the true and living God! The fountain of faith! And
have entered into a deep darkness -- a deep, depraved, and
demonic well of lies that the whole earth has drunk of. For
this reason the
wrath of God will be poured out upon them.
Humankind will reap the harvest of their sins. The Lord Jesus
will tread them down in the fierceness of His anger and the
wrath of the Almighty God.
Repent of your fornication, adultery,
murders, transgender, bisexual, homosexual, and lesbian
lifestyles, idolatry, vile affections, child-killers,
covetous, thieves, gang-banging, racist, self-important,
puffed up and prideful minds, blasphemy, agnostic and atheist,
devil worship, envious, deceitful, lustful, warmongers, haters
of God and those who do good!
can't stand your ways", saith the Lord. "They are a stench
in my nostrils".
Humankind has filled up their cup of
unrighteousness, and sin's penalty is about to be poured out
upon them all! They will drink of the cup of the wrath of the
Lord. Their money, gold and silver will not save them in the
day of His wrath. The only way to escape is to humble yourself
and repent of your sins. May God grant you the grace to do just
that before it is too late! - D.A.