Real Power

   Holy Ghost Speak Revivals, Inc. © 2001-2024

Luke Chapter 10

"After these things the Lord appointed other seventy also". That is, others besides the Apostles. When Jesus sent the seventy he equipped them to do battle with Satan. He gave them POWER to heal the sick. See v.9. Upon their return there was great joy. For they said, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name. See v.7.

Mark 16:17-18

In order for every saint to do battle he or she must be properly equipped. GOD in His sovereignty has equipped all of His saints with POWER over the devil. "And these signs shalt follow them that BELIEVE." [This means anyone who has FAITH!] " In my name shall they cast out devils". [This is POWER over the enemy.] "They shall speak with NEW tongues". [This is your heavenly language.] "They shall take up serpents and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them". [GOD has given those that believe POWER and PROTECTION from the enemy.] "They shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover". [This is GOD's POWER to heal the sick and dying.]

These signs that follow the believer are the MARK of those that belong to GOD. Is this POWER present in your congregation? If you are a member of a modern day church it is highly unlikely that you will find these signs there; or, if you read a modern bible version, these promises have been either jettisoned from your bible, or relegated to a footnote, or italicized to indicate that they are not originally a part of the ending of the Gospel of Mark! Why? Because the enemy doesn't want you to TAKE HOLD OF, or BELIEVE these wonderful promises of the resurrected Christ. You see some in the Alexandria based churches of the early 4th century did not believe in these promises, so they removed them from their manuscripts, and said that they were lost, only to exchange them for a so-called longer ending of Mark; therefore, many have told the lie that they are not original to Mark's Gospel.

Dear Friend, GOD has enabled the believer to OVERCOME sin, to OVERCOME death, and to OVERCOME Satan. We are more than conquerors in Him that loved us and gave himself up for us. We are the sons and daughters of the King. In Him is victory forever more.

Pray for understanding!


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