Holy Ghost Speak Revivals' Old Fashioned Devil Stomping Videos


God's Not Dead... He's Still ALIVE!!!!

Welcome to Holy Ghost Speak Revival's power-packed old fashioned Holy Ghost inspired sermons! Holy Ghost Revival is still alive! Please enjoy the videos of an era gone by. Evangelist like A. A. Allen, Jack Coe, Oral Roberts and many more have left a legacy of miracles, supernatural healings, and faith. These videos are meant to build up your most precious and holy faith, and let you know that with God all things are "still" possible. Although these people of faith might have passed on to their rewards, our God is still ALIVE, and is not DEAD as many scoffers and unbelievers would have you to think. So sit back and watch the miracle working power of God at work!

"Keep Revival Alive"!


Note: this video might take awhile to load depending on the speed of your Internet connection!

How to have Holy Ghost Power - This video shot live at the A. A. Allen campaign is a dynamic lesson using the shadow of Peter as an example of how to get the power of God back in the church. The Holy Ghost is still alive and at work in the hearts of those believers who dare to have faith in this godless and faithless generation.




Note: this video might take awhile to load depending on the speed of your Internet connection!

Witches, demons, wizards - Witchcraft is very prevalent today that many so-called church-going people are so desensitized to the Spirit of God that they allow these spirits to enter in and make themselves at home? Brother Allen shows us that this is a matter of rebellion and a lack of faith in the promises of the word of God. He will show you how to depend on the devil-stomping power of God for the miraculous, even in this unbelieving, sinful, and adulterous generation.



Note: this video might take awhile to load depending on the speed of your Internet connection!

What's Wrong with churches - This sermons by Brother Jack Coe offer a thought provoking look at the plight of today's churches and the so-called ministries of God at work in today's churches and world.





Note: this video might take awhile to load depending on the speed of your Internet connection!


Demons and deliverance -  Demons are still very active today. Just look at the daily news and the world around us! This sermon preached by Brother Oral Roberts in 1955 is relevant today and shows us the power of demons and how to be delivered from them.





Note: this video might take awhile to load depending on the speed of your Internet connection!


The Arm of the LORD - This sermon preached by Evangelist Jack Coe is a Holy Ghost, devil-stomping look at the power of God. Yes, He still heals today! Brother Jack Coe was never one to shy away from confrontation. He was a straight shooter, and did not hold back or spare the feelings of any man for the sake of winning souls for the glory of God.




"Restoring faith to the churches." Luke 18:8.


"Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever!" - Hebrews 13:8



 Holy Ghost Speak Revivals, Inc. © 2001-2024